The manufacture of packaging products requires determining the strength requirements of the components that make up the structural elements of pallets, crates and other packaging. Wood, as a renewable material, is the basic raw material for manufacturing wooden pallets. The premise of the research is that the strength of pallets is derived from the characteristics of the components of the subassemblies. Strength tests of lumber were carried out, which determine the evaluation of the suitability of sawn materials. Verification of raw material properties determines the adaptation of individual assemblies to static and dynamic force loads. Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) lumber was verified, taking into account the origin of the cross-sectional area and the presence of anatomical structure features. The results of the study confirm the influence of wood origin on the suitability of pine wood for wood packaging. The influence of a certain origin from the log can translate into changes in strength properties. It was found that wood density is not a critical parameter for evaluating the strength of lumber and product. Tests of separated structural lumber for wood packaging indicate significant differences in the condition of the wood and the magnitude of the strength parameter.
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