Research Ethics Policy

The Editorial Board of the "Drewno" journal is committed to maintaining the high quality of published materials and takes decisive action against any neglect of publication standards. All participants in the publication process, including authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers, are expected to adhere to ethical standards in scientific publications. The following principles are derived from the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics as outlined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.

Responsibilities of Authors

1. Authorship of articles in the "Drewno" journal should be limited to individuals who have significantly contributed to the research concept, implementation, and interpretation of results. Authors must ensure that all contributors are acknowledged and have approved the final version before submission.

2. Scientific misconduct, such as duplicating publications, plagiarism, data fabrication, false authorship, ghost authorship, and conflict of interest, is strictly prohibited. False authorship includes omitting the name of a contributor or excluding them from acknowledgments, while ghost authorship involves attributing authorship to individuals with minimal or no contribution.

3. Authors must disclose all funding sources, contributions from research entities, associations, and any conflicts of interest that may influence the results or interpretation of their work. Providing false or knowingly inaccurate information is unethical.

4. Authors should not submit the same research to multiple journals (duplicate publication). Simultaneous submissions to different editorial offices are also considered unethical. Translating a previously published text for submission is also discouraged.

5. If errors or inaccuracies are discovered after submitting an article to "Drewno" authors must promptly notify the editors.

6. Proper attribution of authors cited in the work and accurate citation of sources must be ensured by the authors.

7. Violations of ethical standards may lead to the rejection of the article from the "Drewno" journal.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

1. Reviewers unable to assess the manuscript within the stipulated timeframe should promptly inform the Editorial Board.

2. Reviews should be objective, adhering to ethical standards and grounded in scientific arguments. Personal criticism of the author is deemed inappropriate.

3. All reviewed papers are treated as confidential documents and should not be disclosed or discussed outside the Editorial Board. Reviews should not be exploited for personal gain.

4. The anonymity of reviewers is maintained, and the editors do not disclose authors' data to reviewers.

5. Reviewers should abstain from evaluating works involving a suspected conflict of interest arising from a relationship with the author, company, or institution.

6. Reviewers must promptly inform the Editorial Board of ethical breaches by authors, such as significant similarity, partial overlap with other published works, or suspected plagiarism, ghost authorship, or false authorship.

Responsibilities of Editors

1. The Editor in Chief makes the decision to publish a submitted article based on reviews and opinions of the Editorial Board.

2. Editorial decisions should align with the thematic scope of the journal, irrespective of the author's background, affiliation, nationality, ethnicity, political views, gender, race, or religion.

3. Editors maintain confidentiality regarding authors' and reviewers' data.

4. Information obtained during the evaluation process, along with rejected articles or fragments, must not be used for personal research without the author's express written consent.

5. The Editorial Board does not appoint individuals in direct personal relationships with authors as reviewers to avoid conflicts of interest.

6. The Editor in Chief adheres to current legal standards related to defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

7. Upon receiving information about ethical breaches by authors, the Editor in Chief must take action to verify the allegations, including rejection of the text, collecting evidence, informing authors, contacting their institution, and notifying reviewers of the actions taken.
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